COVID-19 Impact

Over the weekend, the Georgia Supreme Court issued an Order Declaring Statewide Judicial Emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This order postpones all non-essential court functions and tolls many court deadlines.  

If you have a pending legal issue, you absolutely need to talk to your attorney to see what this means for your case. While we know this will affect many legal deadlines and hearings, there is a lot of latitude and uncertainty as to how each Court is interpreting the Order.  The attorneys at Miles Hansford & Tallant are working diligently to make sure we understand the Order’s impact in all of our cases.

Even though many deadlines are postponed, attorneys can still help you during this time, and most can do so remotely (including here at Miles Hansford & Tallant!). We’re still working hard to make sure your legal rights are protected, and have a variety of ways we can meet your legal needs even if you don’t want to (or can’t) meet us face to face.  

Now more than ever, let us be more than your law firm.  Let us be a solution.